Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Having Fun Playing Artemis SBS Collectively.

Having fun playing Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator collectively. This is the creator's mantra when he designed and distributed this game for us to have.

So I set out to bring people together to play this game.

This exercise of group actualization, is really an implementation through a sense of understanding and belonging to the greater Artemis playing community. An intrinsic need humans all have. This is where we conform to one standard or social uniformity, and agreeing with others who operate in the same way; both mechanically and organically. So we can all play together, while minimizing as many barriers as possible through the process.

I look at the following points while working towards the vision. Using simple, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time based milestones or goals as visible targets. I look at entry barriers, the aspects of social structures and controls, technological barriers, the economics of operating and sustaining, environmental impact and localized political agendas while marching towards these goals.

Open to all comments and suggestions, I take note of them all because you are all going to be in the book I am writing. I'll change the names to protect everyone's identity for sure. Being firm and assertive, but not mean or aggressive in my actions, while respectfully giving people choice to work with me or not as I continue to move forward.

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